24/05/2022 12:31

Lyudmila Denisova is grateful to the Prime Minister the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for supporting Ukrainian children and steadfast position in the fight against Russia

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has written a touching letter to Ukrainian children.

“Many of you have seen or experienced things that no child should witness.  However, every day Ukrainian children teach us all what it means to be strong and worthy, to keep our heads high, even in the most difficult times.  I can't think of a better example to follow for children and adults anywhere”, - Boris wrote.

I express my gratitude to Boris Johnson for his steadfast position in the fight against the aggressor of the russian federation.  In addition to important steps in arms supplies, sanctions pressure, humanitarian and financial assistance, Boris is paying attention to supporting our children in such an extremely difficult time.

Our children are our future!

Together we will choose for them peace and a prosperous, free Homeland