11/03/2022 17:38

Lyudmila Denisova holds online meeting with EU Special Representative for Human Rights Amon Gilmore

Held an online meeting with EU Special Representative for Human Rights Amon Gilmore.

Briefed the EU Special Representative on the violation of the fundamental right to life and the increase in the number of civilian casualties as a result of the bombing of towns and villages by the aggressor state.  Reported about more than 2.3 million civilians who had already left Ukraine.  1 million of them are children.

Noted that all the facts of war crimes are documented in order to further bring to justice the guilty officials and the military of the Russian Federation.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to Russia's nuclear blackmail and threats to high-risk objects in the territories of Ukraine, which were temporarily captured by enemy troops.

Humanitarian corridors and the work I do with the evacuation team, including children from institutional care facilities, were discussed.

Mr. Gilmore stressed that Ukrainians are defending not only their land, but not even Europe - Ukraine now stands for the protection of all mankind.

The Special Representative promised to promote the issue of closed skies at the level of EU Member States in order to reduce civilian casualties.

It was agreed to continue bilateral contacts to facilitate the imposition of further sanctions and punishments for Russian officials and military aggressors for mass violations of human rights and crimes against humanity.

We work together for peace and victory!