20/02/2022 09:21

February 20 is the official date of the beginning of Russia's occupation of Crimea

Eight years ago, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol were illegally occupied by the Russian Federation.

The Russian occupation and the intensification of the militarization of the Crimean peninsula have consequences far beyond Ukraine, threatening overall world security.

The occupying authorities have long violated the rights of the inhabitants of the peninsula to a safe life, health, freedom of religion and freedom of movement, and property rights.

Crimeans are forcibly drafted into the armed forces of the Russian Federation, for refusing to serve - unjustifiably prosecuted.

Repressions against Crimean Tatars continue, and long-term prison terms are imposed on Crimean residents who dare to oppose the occupation on fabricated cases.

Militarization of children is carried out by involving them in military operations.

Citizens of Ukraine are prohibited from owning land in the coastal areas of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Ukrainian churches are being closed, mosques are being searched, and believers are being persecuted.

The Black Sea is polluted, water supply and other environmental problems caused by the negligence of the occupying power are deteriorating.

The Commissioners were informed of the UN Human Rights Council, the OSCE and other international human rights organizations about violations of the rights of residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The illegal occupation, which is a violation of international law, was condemned by the international community and expressed unequivocal support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.